St Michael's Mount |
Thanks to all for wishing me a good break in my last post. I spent most of the time on the Cornish Coast loving the scenery, the sea air and the fabulous sounds of the waves and calling sea gulls. Unfortunately, the weather was what you might politely call 'mixed' i.e. we had some days of rain and mist when we couldn't even see the sea. I have to admit that this is unusual for us, because we're generally very lucky with the weather when we've come down to Cornwall either in late spring or early autumn. But there you are...our luck ran out!
Anyway, when the sun comes out it transforms the coast into stunning blue seas and skies that's wonderful for watching wildlife. I loved all the Kestrels; I've hardly seen any at home this year but there were many along the coast and so close, too...
Naturally there are all the beautiful views...
Logan Rock |
And also the sunsets over the of my favourite natural sights. It makes me realise that I don't see many spectacular sunsets at home, there are too many trees to the west of us that obscure them (although I do catch some lovely winter sunrises over the fields). But on holiday I often saw the whole sky ablaze over the sea and so had to try and catch a pic....
Sunset behind St Michael's Mount |
David and I had plenty to arrange before we went away, such as organising our businesses (although the phones have to come away with us, of course). But the main difference this year was that we had to change arrangements for looking after the smallholding. Our two sets of parents have always been truly wonderful and looked after everything before now, but they can't really manage this anymore, so we arranged for others to come in. And it all worked out really well - the animals behaved themselves (mostly...with some despairing looks here at Cador, the difficult gander) and we relaxed knowing that the animals were being very well cared for. Such a relief!
So it's back now to the fruit and berry harvests - and lots of delicious tomatoes. We didn't get any last year, so this year's crop is really precious. I'm also finishing off extracting and storing the honey, although I didn't get as much as I hoped this summer, in the end.
This is the equipment used for extracting honey...
It includes an uncapping knife to uncap the wax from the honey in the frames, a metal extractor to spin out the uncapped honey from the frames, a strainer to strain out any bits in the honey after extracting and a bucket for storage. But before I do any of this I need the two small pieces of white plastic by the honey jar. These are 'bee escapes' that are put into a wooden board in the hive between the honey frames to take and the rest of the hive - and they are designed to allow the bees to leave the honey frames and go through them into the hive - but the bees can't come back i.e. they're one way. Their purpose is to clear the honey frames of bees so that they can be taken away bee-less.
The honey frames are usually cleared of bees in about 24 -48 hours with the bee escapes, but the flying bees know what you're doing i.e. stealing their honey, so they'll do their best to get it back (if they spot the frames again, they won't leave them). That's why it is also important to shut all doors and windows when extracting honey because any passing bee will discover you and let every other bee in the neighbourhood know. And then the wasps join in...
Extracting the honey is always quite an operation, but worth it. The honey pouring out from the extractor tap is gorgeous; so pure and golden and natural (thanks to the bees; this is their hard work).
Next job, preparing the bees for winter...